Issue #2 - UNTITLED

For our second issue, we are seeking creative memoir and insightful fiction that portrays moments of clarity and connection. We are especially eager for genre-bending memoir that uses fantastical or magical elements to elaborate on a character’s inner world.

We are partial to works narrated by cerebral or highly imaginative characters. We love magical realism and fabulism, where poignant metaphors often come out to play, but are equally open to realistic fiction.

We are most eager to acquire fantastical fiction and nonfiction with depth comparable to the works of Franz Kafka, Aimee Bender, Karen Russell, and Haruki Murakami; thoughtful absurdist fiction such as the works of Jonathan Lethem and Gary Shteyngart; and reflective first-person nonfiction such as the essays of David Foster Wallace.


  • Flash and short fiction up to 7,000 words

  • All genres welcome, so long as the emphasis is on personal insight

  • Simultaneous submissions welcome! Please let us know immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere

Publication date: Summer 2024; print and digital formats

If your piece sounds like it may be a fit, we’d love to hear from you!

Art / photography

Send us art or photography that conveys personal revelation or outward connection.

We seek non-exclusive permission to use your art in our issue.


We are looking for personal poetry that conveys moments of clarity or connection. We prefer pieces that do not hide behind masks, and we challenge you to reveal yourself.

Fine print:

  • Due to submission volume, we are only able to respond to pieces we feel are a fit for our issue. We can assure you that all pieces are read in-full and discussed.

  • All pieces we publish go through a thorough editing process. Authors of selected pieces will be contacted to discuss potential edits before publication.

  • Though we are not able to offer payment at this time, all selected contributors will receive one free contributor copy.